Сертификати материјала


У нашој понуди можете наћи искључиво материјале који су сертификовани. Ово су сертификати материјала које нудимо:

Certification Standard: OCS Standard
Label Grade: OCS 100
Certifying Institute: Ecocert Greenlife
Products Covered:Card yarns(PD0067), Combed Yarns(PD0068)


Certification Standard: OCS Blended
Label Grade: OCS 100
Certifying Institute: Ecocert Greenlife
Products Covered:Card yarns(PD0067), Combed Yarns(PD0068)


Certification Standard: RCS Standard
Label Grade: RCS 100
Certifying Institute: Ecocert Greenlife
Products Covered:Greige yarns, Dyed yarns, Greige fabrics, Dyed fabrics, Women apparel, Men apparel


Certification Standard: RCS
Label Grade: RCS Blended
Certifying Institute: Ecocert Greenlife
Products Covered:Greige yarns, Dyed yarns, Greige fabrics, Dyed fabrics, Women apparel, Men apparel

Certification Standard: GOTS Standard
Label Grade:Version 6.0
Certifying Institute: Ecocert Greenlife
Products Covered:Card yarns(PD0067), Combed Yarns(PD0068)

Certification Standard: Global Recycled Standard
Label Grade: Version 4.0
Certifying Institute: Ecocert Greenlife
Products Covered:Card yarns(PD0067), Combed Yarns(PD0068)



Certification Standard: ISO 9001 2015
Products Covered: Production of Knitted Fabric, Knitted Garment and Woven Garment